We made our way back to Gettysburg for the annual Phenomenology event. Things were just a little different as team-mate / medium Steve Lewis joined us all the way from Australia.
[2015-05-09 07:47:17]
The spirits are certainly making their presence known at this Northern New Jersey landmark. Are Emil and "Mother" Perona still watching over the business they laid the foundation for so many years ago?
[2015-03-27 16:59:04]
A family member reaches out for answers after enduring 25 years of paranormal activity in their home.
[2015-02-27 11:15:27]
Tierney's has been a mainstay in the ever-changing landscape of Montclair since 1934. We applaud the family for maintaining the integrity of this tavern. It's the kind of establishment that is becoming increasingly hard to find in the world we now live in
[2013-10-21 09:06:40]
This investigation ranks among one of our most anticipated of late. It was just about a year in the making, but well worth it.
[2014-09-07 17:48:48]
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Saint Michael the Archangel,
defend us in battle.
Be our protection
against the wickedness
and snares of the devil.
May God rebuke him,
we humbly pray;
and do Thou, O Prince
of the Heavenly Host
by the Power of God-
cast into hell,
satan and all the evil spirits,
who prowl about the world
seeking the ruins of souls