Invest logan inn main

The Logan Inn New Hope, PA August 2012

Paranormal Claims:
Guests have reported seeing apparitions of Revolutionary War era soldiers in various parts of the building, as well as small children. The ghost of the small girl who reportedly hit her head and drowned in the nearby canal is often seen both inside the inn and on the property. 
Perhaps the most famous spirit purported to haunt the Inn is Emily Lutz who lived and died in room 6. Emily has a very strong connection to the Inn and appears to enjoy making her presence known.
Built in 1722 by John Wells. The Inn first operated under the name of the Ferry Tavern (est.1727). Its name wasn't changed to the Logan Inn until 1828. Reportedly, it was renamed in honor of Chief Logan of the Lenni-Lenape tribe.
The inn played a large part in history during the Revolutionary War. It is known that many men in Washingtons army became seriously ill during their time in the area and many deaths were recorded.
Its said that the bodies of the fallen were kept in the basement of the Logan Inn during the winter months while the ground was still frozen.
This would account for the many sightings of Revolutionary War soldiers to this day.
Many years later the Inn was operated by the Lutz family. When Emily Lutz grew old, she was kept in room 6 so that her daughter could keep an eye on her while she ran the Inn. She lived and died in that room and appears to still have a strong connection to this day.
Today the Logan Inn still serves as the oldest running establishment in the area and has been referred to as one of the most haunted inns in the country.
This investigation was a bit different for us, not only were we joined by two long time friends and collaborators; Chuck and Steve. But we were also joined two new friends; Jennifer and Amy.
We set up a vast array of equipment* in room 18, which is directly above room 6, where Jennifer and Amy were staying. We also brought in some trigger objects to attract both the children as well as the soldiers who are said to inhabit the inn. Little did we know, but Bob seemed to anger one of the later, which was not our intention.
Room 18 proved to be ripe with paranormal activity as you will see on part one of our video below. Two highlights from this portion of the investigation would have to be the very first EVP, which to me sounds like a small girl asking - "Can't you just rock me"? I can almost feel the question mark hanging in the air!
The second highlight was more of a personal experience. We were all seated early on, while Steve was giving his (spot on) impressions of the space. The three females were all sitting with their back to a common wall. Suddenly, we seemed to be physically targeted by one of the male entities that frequent the area. Each one of us felt nauseated to varying degrees and ended up stepping out of the room to gather our thoughts. Shortly after, the men were targeted. Steve felt that this spirit actually travels through the walls themselves!

Part one - Room 18

Later we joined the girls in room 6, also known as "Emily's room". This room is filled with Emily's actual furniture. Most of the activity we encountered seemed to occur on or right beside her bed. Steve also sensed some energy coming from the armoire as well. We all encountered some form of equipment malfunction, and or battery drain throughout the evening.
As you will see, Emily made it quite clear that she was among us, as did at least one of the children.
Thanks to Chuck for the most amazing piece of evidence captured here....a very chilling evp from Emily herself.
As for the rest of the inn, we were limited to the lobby area, as well as the canal. While we had a few strange personal experiences outside, we only captured one piece of solid evidence. It is an EVP that was captured outside of the kitchen door when Bob & Chuck were walking around. This evp is so loud that we initially wrote it off as being part of their conversation. That is until we listened to it a few times....

Part two - Room 6 and beyond

* Please see our equipment page if you would like more information on the equipment we use.
This site definitely requires further investigation. Some of the EVPs we captured were absolutely chilling. We all had personal experiences that could not be explained or denied. We will be making plans to return to the Inn as soon as our schedule allows. With any luck, we hope to gain entry to some areas we were unable to investigate this go round. Namely, the basement and kitchen where Steve noted a very confused and frustrated individual was residing that needed help crossing over.

A few side notes:

We received many hits on the MEL-8704-SDD Shadow Deviation Detector that was set up on the window sill next to Amy in room 6.
This meter beeps when it detects shadow play, as well as solid objects that may pass between the meter and its sensor.
While we included this evidence, we came across many instances that we debunked as being due to either flash photography or the IR light on the mobile cam.
We also feel that many of the hits were not easily explained and coincided with other events going on in the room. These instances also occurred many times when there was no reasonable explanation.
We will continue to work with and further test this meter in the future.

The war between Mac & PC rages on. Unfortunately, we were unable to properly format the video evidence that Chuck supplied us with and are therefore unable to include it here.
Please watch for it as it becomes available on both Youtube and at

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Saint Michael the Archangel,
defend us in battle.
Be our protection
against the wickedness
and snares of the devil.
May God rebuke him,
we humbly pray;
and do Thou, O Prince
of the Heavenly Host
by the Power of God-
cast into hell,
satan and all the evil spirits,
who prowl about the world
seeking the ruins of souls