Investigation 2 villa main

The Italian Villa Restaurant of Warwick, NY The Roy Vail House Second Investigation January 2012

Paranormal Claims:
There have been complaints of items disappearing and then reappearing days later. Doors and cabinets open and close on their own. Footsteps are heard, as well as, the meow of an old friend. Apparitions have been seen on the second floor and in the attic. The presence of a small girl has been felt in the back bedroom. A metal rack in the coat closet started spinning wildly when a priest was called in to bless the house. More recently, the owners have heard loud noises and screams in the dead of night. Could this be due to the recent renovation on the second floor?
Revolutionary War Veteran Levi Ellis built this home in the late 1700s. Gilbert Drew later purchased the house in the mid 1800s. Drew constructed the second story of the home and renamed the estate Maple Glen Farm. In 1920 Harry Vail purchased the home and his family occupied it until 1960. Roy Vail, a famed gunsmith, lived in the house while he ran his business from a nearby barn. Misfortune came to the Vail family when Roys sister was found murdered in 1972. Her death seemed to be without motive and no one was ever formerly charged. Rumors surfaced about Roys involvement and a decade later Roy Vail walked into what is now known as the "Peach Room" and took his own life. The house was converted into a restaurant shortly thereafter.
We had anxiously been awaiting the opportunity to revisit the old Roy Vail house. We were aware that events were still occurring in both the restaurant and living quarters. While we did not encounter the same level of interaction we captured on our first visit, we did come away with some interesting evidence. While static cameras were set up in the main dining areas on the first floor, the attic and the front room on the second floor seemed most active. We did not encounter any EMF spikes to speak of. Nor did we capture any evidence with our FLIR thermal camera. We had some decent interaction with the SB7 Spirit Box while in the attic. We also picked up a disembodied voice that was heard in the attic, yet also picked up on a stationary camera on the second floor. Another highlight of the investigation was an EVP that was also captured on the same stationary camera located on the second floor. As you will see "someone" was rather curious about what we were doing. A few orbs have been included in our footage. As a group, we are always reluctant to post them, but some do seem to have an intelligence that is undeniable. On a more serious note: one of our investigators came away with a single scratch across his chest. We are unable to determine which room this occurred in, as it was not discovered until afterwards.

The history, which involves the unsolved nearby murder of Roys sister, as well as his suicide in the home, is the stuff movies are made of.

Having said that, there seems to be an abundance of both intelligent and residual activity at this location. Those who live & work here on a daily basis seem to have made peace with the spirits, but its evident the dominant presence at the Villa is not keen on paranormal investigators.

Special Thanks to Chuck of Chucks Paranormal Adventures. You captured some of the best evidence of the evening! Its always a pleasure to collaborate with you.
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Saint Michael the Archangel,
defend us in battle.
Be our protection
against the wickedness
and snares of the devil.
May God rebuke him,
we humbly pray;
and do Thou, O Prince
of the Heavenly Host
by the Power of God-
cast into hell,
satan and all the evil spirits,
who prowl about the world
seeking the ruins of souls