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Phenomenology 102 @ Gettysburg PA March 2010

The Event:
Phenomenology is a yearly paranormal convention which is held in Gettysburg, PA. Paranormal groups and speakers from all around the country attend this event each year. Its a great opportunity to network with others in the field. The variety of lecture topics covers everything from ghost hunting to cryptozoology and alien abduction to name just a few. Tickets for additional gallery readings, workshops, and investigations may also be purchased. We were fortunate to enough to investigate the Farnsworth Inn, General Lee's Headquarters and the National Park.
The History:
The Farnsworth House Inn sheltered confederate sharpshooters during the raging 3 day battle. Over 100 bullet holes can still be seen in the south wall of the Inn. It is reportedly haunted by at least 14 spirits including many civil war soldiers, a small boy, and the ghost of a Midwife. Other reports of phenomena include: cold spots, the smell of lilacs, disembodied voices, banging on the second floor windows, doors opening / closing and running faucets being turned off by unseen hands.

General Lee's Headquarters / The Inn on Seminary Ridge
A portion of this building was here at the time of the battle. A cemetery (which is no longer there) once sat next to this building. A confederate officer who "snapped" on day 1 of the battle was kept in the basement surrounded by body parts until he got a grip. Also, the barn where a wounded soldier was "buried alive under hundreds of dead bodies" was located just to the side of this building. There are many reports of children playing in the living room. Guests and housekeepers alike have reported seeing a confederate soldier. Lights turn on and off for no reason.
The Investigation:
The Farnsworth definitely seems to have quite a bit of phenomena associated with it. While in the basement, we witnessed a wooden chair suddenly move several inches across the floor. No one was within 15 feet of it. As luck would have it, we had just momentarily turned our camera off. We were a little luckier in the attic where we were able to catch the door open and close twice. We are satisfied that it was properly latched the second time we caught it, but would like to have had the opportunity to try and debunk it further.

The atmosphere was quite heavy as we finally made our way to the second floor. Our EMF meters were recording values from .1 to 10.0. while in the McFarlane Room. Some disembodied breaths and an evp were captured as well. We should note that 2 of the 3 investigators present experienced dizziness and nausea. One investigator requested to leave as a result. Two of us returned about 30 minutes later.

The house felt a bit calmer upon our return. We captured another very clear evp while we were investigating the Shultz room in the rear of the house.

General Lee's Headquarters / The Inn on Seminary Ridge
While this investigation was quite interesting, we did not capture any evidence first hand. A fellow investigator caught a shadow figure on video. It had appeared on the upstairs level moments after several people sensed a change in the atmosphere.

National Military Park
We spent quite a bit of our free time visiting various areas of the national park and its monuments. If you've never been to Gettysburg, it is really quite touching. We eventually made our way over to the field where Farnsworth's Last Calvary Charge took place. We captured two evp's, and also documented some of the equipment issues we encountered.

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Saint Michael the Archangel,
defend us in battle.
Be our protection
against the wickedness
and snares of the devil.
May God rebuke him,
we humbly pray;
and do Thou, O Prince
of the Heavenly Host
by the Power of God-
cast into hell,
satan and all the evil spirits,
who prowl about the world
seeking the ruins of souls