Interesting Photos From Sachs Bridge Gettysburg PA March 2011

2012-07-28 14:01:56
The following photos were sent in to us by Michael & Amy Schilling, whom we had recently met on the battlefield in Gettysburg. It appears that the camera focuses in on this anomaly while the background is out of focus. The next sequential photo is crisp and clear, yet the camera was set to auto for the duration. Included are some brief excerpts from their emails that chronicle their experience as well.

Sachs Bridge Spirit

Sachs Bridge Spirit 2

"On Monday evening my wife and I were investigating Sachs Bridge. We were using electronic voice recorder, video and digital photography. We did experience instant battery drainage on my digital camera the first 10 minutes we were there; I had just put fresh batteries in prior to heading out. That is the first time I have ever experienced that. Did not have any luck with voice recorder or video. Once I put new batteries in digital camera we did pick up different types of orbs. Attached is a picture we captured of some form of mist. Not sure what to make out of it. The evening weather was clear, and about 42 degrees. No fog, cold breath etc...We have shown this picture to some other people and we believe we see a face in the mist. I have a good follow up picture that I have attached. As you can see they are in numerical sequence. Picture 919 is the anomaly and picture 920 is the follow up which I took seconds after the anomaly picture. You can see the graffiti on the bridge in both pictures (most notably the red heart on the cross beam) that this is the same section of the bridge. Other than the anomaly photo back ground being out of focus all of my other photos are as clear as photo #920. The camera used to take the pictures is a Fujifilm Finepix S, 12 mega pixel, all photos taken on Auto Setting".
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Saint Michael the Archangel,
defend us in battle.
Be our protection
against the wickedness
and snares of the devil.
May God rebuke him,
we humbly pray;
and do Thou, O Prince
of the Heavenly Host
by the Power of God-
cast into hell,
satan and all the evil spirits,
who prowl about the world
seeking the ruins of souls