Investigation Cashtown Main

Cashtown Inn Cashtown PA March 23rd - 24th 2011

Paranormal Claims:
Most rooms in the Cashtown Inn seem to have some type of paranormal activity associated with them. None more so then the basement that was once used as a Civil War Hospital. People have even reported seeing spirits involved in a "surgical scene". Many leave the area with a headache or feeling of nausea. The apparitions of a confederate soldier has also been encountered throughout the inn. The sounds of footsteps and movement of objects are prevalent on the upper floors. Chairs rock on their own, and some have even claimed that the very bed they were lying in was being shaken by unseen hands.
The Cashtown Inn is one of the oldest inns in the area; having opened in 1815. During the summer of 1863, however, the Inn served hundreds of unwelcome strangers, including Confederate Gens. A.P. Hill, Henry Heth, and John D. Imboden. The Cashtown was transformed into an armed camp for several days in late June and early July 1863, while the battle of Gettysburg raged just eight miles to the east. It was from there that the pivotal battle was launched when A.P. Hill sent Maj. Gen. Henry Heth's division to Gettysburg for shoes and supplies. The Inn was quite busy during this time while Confederate officers and their staffs were quartered here. The cellar was even used as a makeshift hospital & included two giant brick ovens where Confederates could bake their bread, as well as a natural spring. A stable located next to the Inn (but no longer standing) was used to shelter the wounded, as were many of the surrounding homes.
Our formal investigation basically consisted of the two rooms our group reserved during our two night stay. We enjoyed the public rooms and grounds, but our investigation was very limited in these areas to say the least. Just for the record - we never did get to see the infamous cellar. We chose to reserve the Imboden room (#2), as well as the A.P. Hill room (#3) across the hall. Both rooms have had their share of paranormal claims especially the A.P. Hill room which was so infamously featured on Ghost Hunters a few years ago. We set up many trigger objects in the A.P. Hill room such as civil war era photographs, authentic civil war bullets, and coins. While our Sony HD Camcorder was left running for the better part of 48 hours, along with our Sony DVR 01 (motion triggered camera) they yielded no evidence of object movement, or anything else for that matter. Aside from an odd feeling here and there, we only had 1 personal experience. I am certain that I saw a golden orb shaped light anomaly pass between the sheer (bed) canopy and the ceiling as I lay awake the first night. We had a bit more success in the Imboden room. We had left our other Sony camera running in here as well, yet never caught any visual evidence, or activity while we were out. We did, however, have a very successful EVP and SB7 session on our first evening.
We have compiled the highlights from that session which include a Class A EVP.

As with "most" of Gettysburg, you are kind of left scratching your head wondering how it would be possible for it "not to be haunted". This place has an intense feel to it and the history itself cannot be denied. The sheer amount of human drama and loss during its brief time as the officers quarters and field hospital have left a mark on this location. While the haunting may be largely residual, the inn obviously has its share of intelligent activity as well. Looking forward to the day we can get back there and check out more of this historic inn.
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Saint Michael the Archangel,
defend us in battle.
Be our protection
against the wickedness
and snares of the devil.
May God rebuke him,
we humbly pray;
and do Thou, O Prince
of the Heavenly Host
by the Power of God-
cast into hell,
satan and all the evil spirits,
who prowl about the world
seeking the ruins of souls